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Reading of the astrological natal chart:

in Karmic Psycho Evolutionary and Archetypal key

“It is as if the human soul were made up of qualities from the stars; it seems that the stars have qualities that fit well into our psychology. This happens due to the fact that, originally, astrology was a projection on the stars of unconscious human psychology. " Carl Gustav Jung


Psycho Evolutionary Astrology is a branch of Classical Astrology that studies the relationship between Karma, Dharma and the astral aspects present in an individual's Birth Chart.

There is no separation between Microcosm and Macrocosm and the energies of the sky at the moment of birth shed light on our different aspects of the Ego, on their ways of expressing themselves and manifesting themselves and in which aspects of life they will tend to do so.


Reading the Birth Chart brings greater awareness of one's path, one's ancestral roots, one's aspirations, one's evolutionary direction.

It allows us to see the archetypes we are bringing into being, the limits and resistances that we implement, and also the most similar ways to us to pacify these disturbed images and return to our path of life, more fluid and more aware.

And thanks to the great correspondence that exists between Archetypes and Bach Flowers, to help you pacify the modalities of resistance, the blocked emotions, the disturbed images, I will also recommend the flowers most resonant with you and your energy.

Bach flowers, thanks to their wonderful higher harmonic frequencies, help to re-harmonize the distorted vibration in our energy field.

Lettura della Rivoluzione Solare

Ogni anno, quando il Sole torna nella stessa posizione in cui si trovava nel momento della nostra nascita, si crea ciò che in astrologia che viene definita “Rivoluzione Solare“.


Questo momento risulta sempre un evento significativo visto che che rappresenta l’inizio di un nuovo ciclo personale.

In astrologia si può utilizzare la mappa della rivoluzione solare per osservare e comprendere le specifiche influenze planetarie e le forze archetipiche maggiormente protagoniste che ci accompagneranno non solo nelle giornate intorno al nostro compleanno ma nell’intero anno successivo proprio perché i transiti di quel giorno ci possono parlare anche dell'intero anno.

Grafico natale di scrittura astrologo
Grafico zodiacale


Reading of the Astrological Couple Synastry

The Reading of the Couple Synastry is the reading of two Christmas Themes (the sky at the moment of birth) placed in relation.
They can be those of an engaged couple, or those of two people from the same family, or of two friends, and so on.
The Synastry allows you to see the points in common and strength between two people, up to the most conflicting ones. It also highlights the karmic bonds between two souls.
Everything in life is Relationship. The relationship allows us to become aware of ourselves, to grow and evolve.
Being aware of these dynamics can really make a difference!
That is why this Reading can help a lot to become aware of the points between two people that are more to be pacified, for example, or to understand the other through oneself and understand sé  themselves through the other.

Reading of the astrological transits


Reading the Transits allows you to become aware of the movements of the Planets in reference to the present moment, or to a particular moment of your choice, both future and past.


The Planets are parts of Us that cyclically enter a different Zodiac Sign. By entering they activate an Archetype in us.


“Cycle after cycle, our life evolves!


Through the reading of the planetary Transits we can identify the movements of the Universal Energy around us, to bring it back into contact with the energy within us.


"Astra inclinant, sed non necessitant", wrote St. Thomas Aquinas: everything is written in the stars, but the individual destiny corresponds to the understanding of the divine plan that a Higher Consciousness has prepared for us, developing the ability to flow in the course of events and the circumstances that arise in our life. "


The reading of the planetary Transits integrates the information contained in one's birth chart, our nature, and therefore you can help to become aware of the inner dynamics that open in correspondence with particular moments of our existence.


Allowing each of us not to enter into conflict with that Moment, but to ride it, supporting the energetic movement and seizing opportunities for transformation, growth and co-creation.

Orologio astronomico
Astrologia Alchemica

L'Astrologia Alchemica ha il fine di aiutarti ad entrare in profonda connessione con te stesso e con le diverse forze che ti abitano, per prenderne consapevolezza e compiere un vero e proprio processo alchemico e trasformativo.

L'Astrologia Alchemica integra anche lo Yoga Sciamanico, le Costellazioni Alchemiche e la Mindfulness Immaginale. Strumenti che ti aiuteranno a sentire pienamente i Pianeti, che sono le diverse parti di Te, i segni Zodiacali, che ci parlano degli archetipi principali che siamo chiamati ad integrare durante il nostro cammino.

Partendo dal tuo Tema Natale di nascita, seguendo l'Intento che ti muove in quell'istante, sarai accompagnato a vedere e riconoscere ciò che E', così da continuare il tuo cammino più vivo, libero e consapevole.


Ecco che l'Astrologia Alchemica si rivela così una grande possibilità. 

Se lo senti, puoi compiere insieme a me l'AstroViaggio più bello,

quello dentro di Te!

For information or to make an appointment
You can call me at  3463694993
Or you can write an email to: 
I remain at your disposal.

Copyright ©   Nicole Marchetti

Studio IRIDA - Via Maccani, 88, 38121, Trento (TN)

VAT number: 02534060229

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